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Sis this is so beautiful. Your heart and love for your grandma is so palpable in your writing. It’s also full of so much energy and excitement about the experience. It was truly a joy to read 😍🥹 Thank you for sharing it with me.

“I also hope this inspires you to create memories like these with your loved ones!”

It did for me!

And the pic of Mama in the water after pushing herself to submerging the water?! 🥹🥹🥹 Plus how quickly this experience impacted her and how she continued to interact for the rest of the trip was sooo so inspiring. You did push her out of her nest. What a treasure to have been able to do that for your mom 🥹🥹🥹

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Hi Jaz,

this is so beautiful and so absolutely inspiring. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all!

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OMG, that was a beautiful story. I'm so glad you & Ms. Liz were able to spend that precious time together in international water..I can see her nervousness about getting in the water, so when I seen she was in chest high, I was like GO Ms LIZ,...🤗

Yes, Ms Liz will go off on her own, she has lost me several times...lol and she will talk to everyone and I love that about her..this story inspires me to write to my future grandchildren, I loved it, thanks for sharing

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Omg I loved it so so much 🥹💕 that was such a beautiful and special trip for you all. It makes me reflect on the trips I’ve had w my mom and how special they have been too. Makes me want to hug my mom so tight! Thank you for these words.

And I love how it’s an ongoing love letter and convo with your grandma. Ughh I feel that deeply 🫶🏾✨

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Don't get me in my feelings with how impactful and wonderful you taking your mother on her first international trip is. Jasmine, oh what beautiful love for your family and how you show it. I love the idea of you writing your mother a letter to reflect back to her her "firsts" on that trip. Great idea. Also, are you and your mother not twins!? Your mother's smile and photogenic energy is radiant and I love these mother/daughter memories you two are creating - I know they will be lifelong memories. Thanks for sharing this journey with us and personally challenging me to think of ways that I can show more love and reverence for my own family. Much love, Jasmine.

P.S. I believe Abuela WAS with and experiencing the trip with you and your mother.

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I’ll have to share your comments with my mom about how photogenic she is; that will make her day. Me and mom do love our photoshoots 😆 My dad is my twin; I see me and my mom’s resemblance more and more.

Yesss I’m definitely going to write the letter of her “firsts”

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Yesss mi Abuela WAS there 🥹🥹

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Shawn, I’m crying happy tears as I respond to your message. I appreciate you times a milli for the way that you see me and hear me through my posts to my grandma. I love each and everyone of your comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me and read my work; it means more than you know!!

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Jun 7Edited

This is beautiful!

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Thank you so much Eri! I appreciate you so much 🫶🏾🫶🏾

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